Friday, February 3, 2012

When do the roses start to bloom in Texas?

ie what month, i know it depends on what type of rose, but just in general, say you had a garden full of roses when would they typically start to bloom?

When do the roses start to bloom in Texas?
depends on what type but also on what part of Texas you are in/climate...but like u said, a general answer..this site says they start late April:

^you can put a rose float in the parade. or donate plants to the park/museum.

how to grow roses in Texas:

texas extension system; to get local spray schedules/local pest or disease problems/maybe soil stats/tests for or ID's of things maybe/etc etc varies by state:

hardiness zones:

average temps%26lt;%26lt;this is the thing that will really determine when ur roses bloom. and ur area will be different from anyone elses, due to big factors but also small ones like slope of land, sun exposure, mulch depth and whatever:

texas garden forums and such:;_ylt=A0oG...

i removed the links i have already looked at and think less worthy for various reasons. at least the first couple of pages are good.

general garden forums, non-texas:

a US, nationally sponsored non-profit

a nice non-commercial place, they seem to like flowers

poor kid...a week and only one answer%26lt;%26lt;why u got linked up.

my best rose tips%26gt;%26gt;water as soon as you see the buds forming or they may not open.

rinse off aphids on tips of unopened rosebuds or they may not open%26lt;this only happens in some areas, not everyone gets aphids; but after rinsing you have to knock them down the next day too and keep at it for a week.

do not crowd a rose bush into a humid spot or it can get blackspot. they like a few feet of air around them.

last, if u want continual blooms, u have to cut off the fully opened flower AS SOON as it fully opens. i do not mean you cannot leave it on the plant to enjoy for the day, but the next day u have to cut it down to the next healthy node. %26lt;make that pruning cut according to rose pruning texts, like that certain diagonal way close to a branch that has 3 - 5 leaves on it.

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