Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Bush's speech today at the Rose Garden is obviously geared toward encouraging endeavors which will richly line his own bank account and provide him with a comfortable income after he has left office.

Another question: Should the President of the United States be acting in his own best interests, or in ours? Assume for the sake of argument that the two are, at the moment, mutually exclusive.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It should always be the duty of any politician, not just the president, to look after the well being of their voters before themselves. Politics is suppose to be about being self-less, Bush has made it into selfish. I agree that Bush has only been looking out for himself and his rich buddies that got him the presidency. He only uses smoke and mirrors to try to convince us he cares about our needs. However, I can't give you the name of any president that has yet to act self-lessly for the good of this country.
Reply:Another liberal who whines about gas prices, but also whines about ways to help solve the problem.

You're not looking for a solution, you're looking for another way to whine about Bush.

The fact is, drilling for oil ourselves would lower prices as it would ease dependency on foreign oil. Of course Drilling in ANWR alone won't solve the problem, offshore drilling would also have to be increased.

Building new nuclear power plants to ease our dependency on oil for electricity would further reduce prices.
Reply:Uh, as president, he has had to put all his investments into a blind trust. There's no proof that he's a major stockholder in oil.

You are simply fabricating (lying, for all you leftists) in order to be outraged.

The fact is that drilling in the US has been hindered by forces of ignorance, so has the construction of new refineries.
Reply:The President of the USA should never be acting in his or her own best interest. The President of the USA should only ever act in the best interest of the people of this nation.

Some perspective on my input, I do not believe that the President should be command in chief of the armed forces. I believe that the armed forces should be commanded by the Supreme Court.
Reply:His own interests are just as important as the general public's. For instance, why would anyone want to dump a pile of money into welfare checks if you know they will be spent on crack cocaine and watered down heroin. There are also plenty of upper middle class people in the US who reflect the same interests as the president.

A mutually exclusive argument is a poor one.
Reply:Where do you get your information? And what are your solutions? Schumer, the notorious ignoramus, was bragging that they had a plan to reduce oil prices. Nobody asked the obvious question: What does the plan look like? Your assumption is allegedly that the oil companies are the culprits. How so? Who determines the price of oil? Would you know or just parrot some nonsensical propaganda from the left?

Also how did the Clintons get from rags to riches. Do you really know?
Reply:bush is phony, his.....what ever is phony..etc, etc, etc......

bush and that fat cow cheney never cared for any body but themselves and their big fat pocket!!

Hope they all burn in hell, slowly as possible for all the pain and misery they've caused for every one all around the globe.
Reply:I don't get what statement I'm supposed to agree or disagree to.

Your question makes no sense based on the examples you followed your question up with.
Reply:I don't get your line of thinking. I watched the speech, he was defending his policies as usual, and this isn't going to get him any dollars.
Reply:How did you come to that conclusion? All the article references is withholding the gas tax. Where does he benefit personally?
Reply:Don't all out-going presidents begin to worry about lining their own pockets? Looks like Clinton did exceptionally well -- millions per year.

Now when Clinton lied ... was that in his best interest or the best interest of the country?
Reply:Well, seeing how oil stock is up, up, up, he will do just fine in retirement.
Reply:Disagree,because it's pure Bushit
Reply:I support our two term President.

Since the democrats took control of congress in 2006 the economy has gone down and gas prices have gone up.

McCain in 08

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