George W. Bush admits controlled demolitions were used on 9/11
Press Conference of the President, The Rose Garden, 11:15 A.M. EDT, 9/15/2006
"For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."
Why investigate 9/11? What are you patriots afraid of? The truth?
Good Lord! It's been investigated by PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!
Enough already!!!!!
Reply:You truthers are not going to change anyone else's mind. Us sane people will believe what really happened. ( terrorist attack). When you truthers post these things on youtube you usually just get responses from fellow truthers. You are not going to change anyone's mind. Nobody i know believe the theories, and you truthers claim that you talk to everybody about the theories, and they agree with them, but I have not had anyone talk about 9/11 to me in person. That is because there less than 22% of you out of the population, and the rest of us know the conspiracies are biased based on your hatred of Bush. "For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping." You have contradicted yourself by posting this quote. Bush was describing what Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told them, and btw there are sleeper cells in this country, how would you know they didn't place the explosives there. They heard car bombs going off in the basement which is al qaeda's weapon of choice.
Reply:STOP SPAMMING YOUR USELESS RANTS. why can't the troofy-ness movement learn to be civilized and not waste peoples' time?
Reply:YOU BETTER WATCH OUT FOR THE BLACK HELICOPTERS SURROUNDING YOUR HOUSE! This conspiracy is ridiculous and deserves no credibility. I near the WTC and trust me there were no Bombs.
Reply:"Good Lord! It's been investigated by PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!"
Actually, it was investigated by people who were suppose to prevent things like this from happening in America. They were negligent and couldn't prevent 9/11. What makes you think they did a thorough investigation? It was an open and closed investigation, not thorough whatsoever. It would be some good information to know if the terrorists had bombs loaded on the planes or if the terrorists had planted bombs in the buildings prior to ramming planes into them. It would show us where the breach of security took place and how to prevent another 9/11.
Reply:There are a lot of reasons I believe the official story but mainly because this is America! No one can keep a secret here. If there was a conspiricy someone would have squeeled by now.
Reply:It's already been investigated and the results are consistent with what every single published expert in the world thinks.
9/11 was not an "inside job."
Just to review:
The 9/11 investigation consisted of 4 parts as follows:
This was an independent, bipartisan commission created by CONGRESS in late 2002. It contained BOTH Democrats %26amp; Republicans. It's basically an analysis of the terrorist movement %26amp; our response to it.
FEMA along with American Society of Civil Engineers (they are non-governmental), did an extensive analysis of the WTC collapse (ASCE/FEMA World Trade Center Building Performance Study (BPS) Team)
It’s useful to see the investigation team %26amp; their credentials at:
It's a very impressive list of experts.
This was a technical/scientific investigation of the collapse of the Twin towers %26amp; WTC7
NIST investigation consisted of hundreds (yes hundreds) of scientists and industry experts. Some of these are the leading authorities in the world.
Extensive computer modeling was used to determine the cause of the collapse.
Both the NIST and the FEMA investigations have been confirmed by numerous published journal articles on the collapse.
The “American Society of Civil Engineers” %26amp; the “Structural Engineering Institute” (both are non-governmental) investigated the Pentagon crash. Their report is called "The Pentagon Building Performance Report" %26amp; it’s at:
Your technical arguments (including technical arguments on the internet) are pointless
FACT: You can’t argue what should have happened using words.
You need to use dozens of engineering equations tied together in a sophisticated computer model. This has already been done by NIST and by professors of civil engineering.
The computer model successfully predicted many “observables” seen in the towers, such as bending of steel supports up to 4 feet, before collapse,
The results were then published in scientific journals where other experts “peer-reviewed” the results and agreed with them. Verbal arguments are utterly worthless.
And there isn't a single, solitary published article, on the face of the earth, that supports the conspiracy mumbo-jumbo.
Reply:9/11 was investigated by people who don't want the truth to be revealed. So how can we take this investigations seriously. It would be as if someone killed a man, testifies and claims he didn't do it, and everyone taking his word for it and letting him off the hook. 9/11 was also investigated by curious open-minded Americans who were not afraid to question their government. Also, from the mouth of Bush's men, Donald Rumsfeld admitted to shooting down Flight 93 and the owner of the towers Larry Silverstein admitted to pulling Tower 7. Explosives were put in the buildings to demolish the towers via controlled demolition. The towers fell like a controlled demolition, fell at freefall speed much like a controlled demolition, and explosives were seen going off like in a controlled demolition.
Reply:No one is going to take you seriously here on YA.
Reply:watch that 2nd video about controlled demolitions at 6:00. This disproves the whole demolition theory perfectly. Whatever those white flashes were would not appear in the exact same way as they did before the collapse through the window as they appeared after the collapse through all that smoke and probably after the building was gone. People who accept theories like this who are made up by idiots with way too much free time and absolutely no knowledge of the subject matter are idiots
Well, you better get your sorry @ss outta here while you can. After martial law is in place you will not be able to do as you please.
Oh, you still here? Why, praytell? Oh, is it because you are nothing but a cockroach that loves living off the work of others? It is evident you despise this country, and do not give me the bull s h i t line that you just hate this current President. Pack up your worthless little @ss and leave. Move to Iran or Syria or Saudi Arabia or any of those countries. They will greet you with open arms, or you could move to China or Russia. Your sorry @ss will be back here in a day.
LOL!!! You conspiracy nuts make me laugh. Oh well, takes all kinds, and thank God you are nothing but a turd hanging from my @ss.
USN ret.
Reply:I have an extra strait jacket at home in a deep, dark closet. I believe it will match the white froth around your mouth perfectly. God help us if you really are in the military!
Reply:Wasn't 9/11 already investigated?????
Reply:Ever heard of a delta class fire. We don't need another "truther" who thinks by posting this crap disguised as a question 30 times an hour they are changing anyone's opinion.
Reply:They closed the investigation on Canady so you can make a link here...
Reply:Better loosen that there tinfoil hat, sparky. You're ranting and foaming at the mouth again. I think Social Services is looking for you. I know reality is a scary, scary thing... but don't worry. Those nice young men in the clean white coats will give you something to make the world aaallll better again.
Reply:Would you be willing to accept the results of the investigation?
What if the results conclusively proved that there was no government involvement in the attacks of September 11th?
Would you accept the results then?
Or, would you continue to profess that the investigation was just part of a government cover up?
Seriously, I would be willing to fund a full investigation, with complete and total transparency, I would even be willing to have it chaired by Dylan Avery, Dr. Judy Wood, or that expert in cold fusion.
Imagine if every step of the way, every piece of evidence was discussed, and openly displayed (a public web page would probably be the best avenue for this).
Imagine if true experts in every field were brought in to sit on the panels.
Imagine if the proper education were provided to the panelists to ensure that they understood everything presented to them (physics, strength of materials, government, middle east politics, aerodynamics and airframe design, controlled demolition and explosives, logic and critical thinking, and the list goes on and on....)
Bet, even if we had all of that, and the conclusion of the investigation was that the attacks were carried out by Muslim extremists, you would still be calling foul.
Want me to take you seriously? Prove what you are saying. Not grainy YouTube videos, not grainy video stills, not unanswered questions, statements taken out of context, etc... I want some proof. Provide some evidence. Anything.
Because there is a tremendous amount of evidence the debunks each and every one of your claims. It is evidence collected, and verified accurate, and it is supported by millions of hours of scientific study.
Face it, you got nothing.
Reply:Why bother, it looks like you did all the investigation already. All those links, what's there left to do.......
Reply:watch zeitgeist on google video(everyone)
if strong christians skip to part 2 in the video(at 35:56 minutes into the video)
also visit
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