Saturday, February 11, 2012

What do u think of George W. Bush?

Wait, read these quotes first...

1. I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right.

2. It's very important for folks to understand that when there's more trade, there's more commerce.

3. There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.

4. Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments from some of our students in America.

5. I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm, or we will.

6. I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well.

7. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington, obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.

What do u think of George W. Bush?
hes an idiot through and through
Reply:Is this really why you don't like him? You think that his inability to form an intelligible sentence is his greatest pitfall?
Reply:I think he needs speech lessons.

In reality I think nothing of him.

o and yes - Bush is a Lame Duck. His followers refuse to accept the fact that Bush is a sorry president. He stole an election and then stole still another.

But then again this country has always believed that thievery is an accomplishment.

Bush was a mistake. A bad mistake.
Reply:George Bush is merely a spokesmodel for the big business that runs this country. He failed at every business and his daddy bailed him out, daddy's friends put up the money for the Texas Rangers and he was a spokesmodel there, and did nothing of substance. The governorship of Texas is a ceremonial job. America has been duped once again by the politics of hatred; pick out a group, tell people that they're to blame for their troubles and laugh all the way to the White House. When will we ever learn.
Reply:Yeah I get your point, you believe this means Bush is stupid.

But the fact is, he's just another guy. This means that he has a big problem articulating what he wants to say.

Broadcasters usually have no problems in this area, but it doesn't mean they are the smartest people in the room.

What do I think about Bush? :

His border policy sucks, he spends too much and he's not a good spokes person for the conservative movement. But I'd take him over any of the current crop of Democrats.

Substance matters much more that wether or not you aced speech class...
Reply:Today's Doonesbury comic had a retrospective of W's brilliant quotations, too. He isn't the most articulate person in the world, which even he acknowledges.

The real problem isn't his facility--or lack thereof--with the English language; it's the deadly neoconservative positions in which he and his ilk believe and want to foist upon the rest of us. To that extent, perhaps his apparent liguistic clumsiness indicates that he's crazy like a fox...if we don't really "get" what he's talking about perhaps we won't notice when he tramples the Constitution underfoot and leads us into a disastrous war.
Reply:Sorry , I can't say on here !!!!!
Reply:i think he is a good man trying to do the right things who gets a constant stream of opposition and negativity from the democrats. if the country had rallied to his side and supported his stance against radical islamic terrorists, this problem would have been solved already.

and just so you know, you could cherry-pick quotes from any president we have ever had and make him look bad...your effort here is very transparent...try again...
Reply:hes kinda cute
Reply:Well what can you say????not exactly the most articulate president we have ever had and definitely not the smartest...still he is our President. That means that we have no choice but to stand behind him , pray for guidance , and hope that the next election brings us better people to vote for.

The truth of the matter is that it will be hard to find an honest, honorable, intelligent, hardworking, and caring President because most of our politicians are in it not for the good of America , but for their own benefit and for the money.
Reply:I think he is a liar and worthless, he should be arrested for war crimes and executed, as well as the rest of his cabinet. We should have our butts kicked for not making a stronger, louder voice for change. Bush is the sorriest excuse for a leader the world has ever known. He is leading the USA into WW3, and has done nothing better for the people here at home either unless your rich, or big business.America hasnt had an honest, fair leader since JFK, now thats a crying shame, dont you think.
Reply:And your point is????

Guess you have never had a slip up....Must be nice to be absolutely perfect
Reply:George W. Bush is a liar, corrupt, greedy, incompetent, and arrogant.
Reply:I proudly voted for him and would do so again in a heartbeat.

You lost sweetie. Accept it and move on.

Not only is it over, but you guys are well on your way to losing another election by historic margins.

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