Friday, February 3, 2012

Rosebushes in pots or in ground?

I need to plant my mothers day rose bushes and i dont have a garden area yet in my new house/yard...can i use large pots? how do i plant them, how much sun, water?

never had roses here we go.

Rosebushes in pots or in ground?
Roses do well in pots. (My mom has about 15 of them in containers and about over 50 in her garden.)

If you don't have mini roses, then find a pot that is at least the size of a 15 gallon or so for your plants (it's not the end of the world if you can't find one big enough-they will still do well). They are heavy feeders and like good soil to start. Give them as much sun as you can as they love the sunshine. Start out with deep watering every day and then deep watering every 2-3 days. Once they are established, you will see how much water they would need. It's best to do deep infrequent watering, than shallow water every day.

Hope this helps. :)
Reply:Try getting the miniature ones which are among the tea roses variety. They are difficult to grow in containers but if your container is very big it may work. You will need to water them like they were tomatoes in those containers. Also watering frequently means most of the nutrients they require will be washed away. Roses rely heavily on frequent fertilizing so be sure to put some type of rose food in the watering can just about every other time you water them.

They do best in strong morning sun. They should get 4-6 minimum hours of direct sun everyday.
Reply:they do best in the ground plant in full sun and add a little bone meal and compost in the planting hole. then water every other day in till established add some blooming plant food when you see the buds start to form.. good luck with your roses. They smells wonderful.. mmm

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