I am not positive about the plant that is giving me this high (but I suspect it is Baptisia). It has a huge seed cone (about size of a small rose bloom) with large round 1/16'' seeds inside.
In my earlier visits to this particular shop, I remember seeing this plant being approximately 3' tall. The stems are long and upright, like a false lupine (but the seed cone is TOTALLY different). I think the foliage was round-oval (my memory is not perfect).
Any ideas what my vice is?
mea culpa mea culpa. (I actually really do feel guilty for this "overalls" collared crime). To right this wrong I will spread my seeds from my mature plant to others.
I'm accepting Betty Ford Clinic suggestions specific to my illness?
Will God let me into Heaven? I pinched some seeds from my local garden shop twice this season. I feel guilty
God will certainly let you go to Heaven where you can tend the flower garden eternally.By snitching a few seeds, which might have been swept into the garbage anyway, you made sure that this plant can in the future enhance many more earthly gardens.Only true gardeners feel that way, nothing wrong with your 'vice'. In my book it says that the seed pods of the 'Baptisia' are inflated and look interesting in arragements.
Reply:Get ready for a payback! God will and may be in a way you want know, but he will! Bump on the head, fender-bender, bite on the ole tounge, sick food from last night, lost item, and it will coast you double says Paul, James, and Moses! Read your Bible friend. (Jn 14:15) (Jn1:29) I will Pray for you and you Pray for me......Ok? God Bless and next time pay for it. That person needs to feed there familey also.
God will let you into heaven, but I will say, That I would be rather sad feeling every time I look at these plants in my yard, and showing them off to who-ever wants to see them, just from the fact, that if I'd asked, the garden center would have probably told you to help yourself.
I know it sounds trivial, but they planted those to display their business, chances are, what you did, wasn't really noticeable, but if all that passed by the display had done that before you, the plants would have been less than attractive, and spoiled the efforts of their toil to show off something that they were "proud" of.
I would never tell them about it now, but if I had done this, I would at least 1 time, buy an additional plant from them that you really don't need, and give it as a "gift", to someone less fortunate than you, so that another individual can have a happy growing season, too.
Don't beat yourself up, just ask in the future, and "ALL" will be "RIGHTED".
Take Care, hope this helps, Dave
Reply:Nope you're doomed to fry.
The addiction isn't an excuse.
The diatribe is truly not a prayer for salvation,,,especially from us,,,smiles.
On a lighter note,,, I suspect Your Supreme being has a large list and has to delegate to subs, in deciding who goes where.
On another note however, WRONG IS WRONG. a seed or an entire farm stolen is still a crime. My personal opinion is there are no "degrees."
I do have a suggestion: You could do pennace and perhaps even find absolution from the shop owner by offering some plants grown from the stolen seeds, as an offering, asking forgiveness.
If that doesn't work, but you aren't arrested, you might snatch another packet of seeds as you exit the shop.
Steven Wolf
I think that you've overstated your 'crime'. These weren't seeds for sale? They were seeds growing on plants on their property right? So if you had found them on your neighbors' property, a park or a green space, you could have done the same thing.
I think, no, I know that next time you should ask first. I'm pretty darned sure that a sales associate, manager or owner type would probably have let you pick the seeds. I as a manager at an independent garden center would have let you... now if you asked for stems to root, off of plants for sale, I would say no.
I think that you've attracted enough attention from the "holy gardeners' for one day.
Remember to be generous with your ill begotten gains. Maybe donate plants to a 'historical' garden that is being renovated, or some such.
I forgive you.
Reply:Unless you stole magic beans, there is no way you are getting to heaven. No problem, Martha Stewart will be waiting in hell for you. At least hell will have style.
Reply:The way I see it, God created all living things. If He's upset with you, the seeds won't sprout.
Reply:ask for forgiveness and make restitution
Reply:Good for you !! Congratulations ... you not only have a genuine guilt about your wrongdoing but it seems you are also very interested in Christianity. Good for you.
You should go to the garden shop and admit what you did and pay for what you took that did not belong to you.
Then, simply seek a good Bible based Church and start living a much better .. and HAPPIER ... life ..
Reply:God is a forgiving God.
As long as you are truly sorry for what you did.
Just remember what seeds you are planting...
You reap what you soe.
Reply:um thats still some form of stealing isnt it does god let thieves in heaven
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