When and how should i prune my roses this year?
You should have pruned them already this year really.
The Top rose societies now believe that you should remove only one third of a bush rose in the early spring and this can even be done with a hedge trimmer. Studies have shown that the traditional pruning method of pruning to an outward facing bud with secateurs is no more effective than shaping with a hedge trimmer.
The most important thing is to keep the rose healthy.
Mulch around the base with some well rotted manure or compost (this can be bought bagged) and give it a spring feed with a rose fertiliser or Growmore. If the soil around the plant is compacted, then give it a very light fork over and water before mulching around the plant. Mulching will help keep the soil moist and help to keep your rose less stressed... wouldn't be nice if mulching us did the same!
In the autumn feed again with growmore and make sure you rake up any dead leaves as these will harbour pests and diseases over winter. Keep mulching your roses and have a read of a good rose book from your local library if you're keen.
Hope that helps a bit and I hope your roses perk up and flower appreciatively this year for you.
Reply:I have a fairly large rose bush in a center peace out front. I can say by experiance, prune in the fall after the leaves and stalks turn dark. The stalks that appear dead,prune all the way down next to the ground. But the ones that still have green in them,only prune down to what shape you desire. Tea roses need to be pruned down to about 6-10 inches above the ground.
During the season, trim off the dried buds after the bloom has finished,to help promote more blooms.
Hope this is of help to you.
This site is most helpful.
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