Sunday, February 5, 2012

What to plant in a shady spot?

we have a north facing garden with a border by ahigh fence which I would really like plants in, there's a huge eucalyptus tree, a rose and a casteroil plant there already, so I need to fill the spaces in between- could someone give me suggestions please as a couple of trips to the local garden centre hasn't really left me inspired!

Thank you.

What to plant in a shady spot?
I am blessed with a shady border :-( but there are lots of lovely plants for the area... Hosta (mentioned above), mecanopsis, Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle), Lunaria annual 'Variegata', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfennii, Ajuga reptans (colourful ground cover), Hedera helix 'Buttercup' (Ivy to climb up a fence), Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' (variegated grass), Brunnera 'Dawsons White' (foliage interest), Angelica archangelica (for height), Rogersia pinnata (nice flowers), Tiarella cordifolia. Most bulbs will do ok, and for annuals Busy Lizzies love the sun or shade. Good luck :-)
Reply:Yeah if it's damp shade there's all sorts of interesting stuff you can bung in. If it's dry shade however you're very limited.

Damp shade - arums have an exotic looking flower followed by a spike of bright berries.

vinca will give you a good ground coverage and a delicate little blue flower.

foxgloves look a bit naff at his time of year but in summer you'll get an elegant flower spike.

Hosta's - there's squillions of varieties, I like the huge blue mammoth.

Ferns - again tons of different types, Ostrich fern has majestic 6ft fronds, mega!

Ajuga's - good little plants for infilling - they'll spread and look after themselves and treat your bees to lots of small blue flower spikes. look out for one called braunherz which is dark yet variegated and can have yellows reds and bronze colours in the leaf.

Heauchera's - plenty of types, greens, purples, golds, good for infilling.

If you want any more suggestions or advice just e-mail me at




THE CLEMATIS NELLY can have it climbing through your trees.....loves full shade

that,s just a few that will brighten your garden up......

I have a north facing garden ...and I have a bamboo with a nelly moser clematis growing through it.....I have a solar light at the back of them and it gives a lovely effect...
Reply:Arum italicum loves dense shade ---nice leaves and berries.

Lobelia cardinalis and its cultivars are a colouful shade lover.

Liliums like shade.

Cyclamen coum, cyclamen neapolitain love shade.

Periwinkle { Vinca major } is a shade lover.

Foxgloves in variety are shade tolerant.

Hope these help
Reply:For flowering plants, try impatiens. Love shade and there are some really brilliant colors now.
Reply:Hosta is a lovely plant
Reply:Try some hosta's they look nice and do well in shade and sun!

choose roller blades

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