Sunday, February 5, 2012

What do I do with my plants during a freeze warning?

After weeks of nice weather, my area is under a freeze warning for tonight. My garden plants are looking really good, though, and I don't want them to die. What do I do?

In my garden, I have:


Wygelia and spirea bushes


Day lilies



Lamb's ear

Rose of Sharon (but it isn't doing anything yet)

All of them were planted last summer, so they're not very big. Should I cover some of them? All of them?

What do I do with my plants during a freeze warning?
Hi I would cover them with old bed sheets or old blankets.
Reply:If there is no sign of growth on the Rose of Sharon then you will not have to bother with covering that. If you cannot cover everything then cover just the perennials. The frost will knock back some of the new leaves on the shrubs but will not delay or stop flowering but it could on the perennials.

Good luck. Nothing worse than a late frost!
Reply:Sounds beautiful!

Your lamb's ear will be fine, as well. The others I would loosely cover with an old sheet--not plastic. I say loosely because tulips, irises and day lillies are very fragile when they're blooming.

Good luck with your beautiful garden!

Reply:Cover them with paper bags from the grocery store. If it's going to be windy use some rocks on the sides of the bags to hold them in place. Do not use plastic.
Reply:cover all of them except the tulips. they will have no problem. if you feel worried then cover them all
Reply:Cover them with burlap or cheese cloth, not plastic.
Reply:cover them

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