Saturday, February 11, 2012

Were Hillary President, would she comply with a petition from Republican's asking her not to use her veto?

MOUNT PLEASANT, Iowa — Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton launched a petition on her presidential campaign Web site on Tuesday urging President Bush not to veto "the will of the American people" to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.

"The president has said he will veto that and I challenge him to reconsider that. You know this is vetoing the will of American people," Clinton said at a campaign event in Iowa.

Clinton's online petition calls on supporters to "join Hillary in telling him (Bush) to listen to the will of the people and to Congress, withdraw his veto threat, and begin phased deployment of the troops out of Iraq."

? Click here to read the petition.

Bush called on Congress Tuesday to stop stalling and approve funding for the war in Iraq instead of debating differences "at the expense of our troops."

"Instead of passing clean bills that fund our troops on the front lines, the House and Senate have spent this time debating bills that undercut the troops," Bush said from the White House Rose Garden.

Clinton urged Bush to work with Democrats.

Were Hillary President, would she comply with a petition from Republican's asking her not to use her veto?
I like this. Hillary wants to override the veto with a petition from her supporters. I would not be surprised if there were not a link to her "donations" page on the "petition".

One other thing, your link does not work. Can you give the site where this B/S resides?

Can not get her way going through the channels so lets go around them.


I am sure she will make a comment about how these are not the correct way to use government if God forbid, she gets elected.
Reply:not at all
Reply:No she would not. She represents the party of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Reply:Hillary will do what the American people demand she do, she understands the responsibility of the job. With open discussions and fair debate, she would resolve issues admirably and in a timely manner. This is the petition:

Last week the Senate passed historic legislation that calls for a phased redeployment for our troops in Iraq while ensuring they have the support they need. It's an important first step in ending the war in Iraq. But President Bush has threatened to veto the bill.

The American people have had enough of the president's failed strategy in Iraq. Join Hillary in telling him to listen to the will of the people and to Congress, withdraw his veto threat, and begin phased deployment of the troops out of Iraq.

Hillary urged President Bush to listen to the American people.
Reply:Who knows. She's so wishy washy its hard to tell which way she'd go.
Reply:Probably not. The republicans didn't do anything against Bill's vetoes.
Reply:Hillary wouldn't veto a bill that


like GET OUT OF IRAQ (screw the people)

STEM CELL RESEARCH (let them die of disease)

the only time Bush has used or threatened to use it
Reply:no. i don't think she would. if she did, she would be seen as weak and bending to the opposing party, which would cause her to lose voters. and that's all politics seems to be these days - "win votes and keep our power - to h*ll with what's best for the people"
Reply:She would do as other presidents have done. Consider it and then probably decide not to heed it. This is just a part of the game they play between the branches of government each trying to get points over the other in major disputes.

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