Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed. What is the reason for having roses when your blood is shed...?

We are the roses in the garden, beauty with thorns among our leaves.

To pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed.

What is the reason for having roses when your blood is shed carelessly?

It must be for something more than vanity.

To pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed. What is the reason for having roses when your blood is shed...?
We all must have a level of excitement and busyness in our lives. My personal opinion is that we each have a set point for these emotions that we need to satisfy. Unfortunately mine is rather low, so while I am boring to some, I am also easily appeased. :*) In other words, without the rose, we have nothing to yearn for- but without the blood, there is no glory in attaining the rose.
Reply:Gloves. Shears.

Problem solved.

Also, you can just mow the damned things down and plant something useful like raspberries or zuccinni.
Reply:The only reason for blood in this instance is poor planning ... or naivete.
Reply:put on gloves an you wond be stabbed with the thorns, or just avoid them totally, and use just shears, or shears and gloves
Reply:Next time use gloves dude.
Reply:Every rose has it's thorns, just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song...
Reply:to bleed is to live to shed bleed is to give life back to the roses in our life
Reply:pick carefully and you won't prick yourself
Reply:Sometimes in order to have

beauty in your heart

Someone has to suffer
Reply:Excellent analogy Orpheus. A rose is a thing of exquisite beauty and marvelous fragrance. It also has it's darker side (thorns). However, with proper respect, care, and attention to detail, it is still possible to pluck a rose without gloves or shears and walk off with the prize. The same can be said for ANYTHING of beauty and goodness. They ALL have their dark sides, BUT, with respect, care, and attention to detail, you can still win the prize without being harmed.

Brighest Blessings,

Raji the Green Witch
Reply:The gain after the pain.
Reply:Take a picture. You've captured it's beauty without disrupting the flower.
Reply:Thorns are an adaptation of the plant to keep brontotheres from eating the fruit. there is a tree in Africa that giraffes love to eat, and when the giraffes graze, the plant puts out a bitter taste, and the giraffes move on. Not only does the tree that was being chewed upon send up this bitterness, but any surrounding trees in the vicinity also put out this taste so that they are not eaten into oblivion by greedy grazers.
Reply:Or you could put on a pair of gardening gloves and take care of the problem toot sweet.

Nintendo Wii

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