I have this uneven area that's full of grass, weeds, stumps, rocks, and ferns,,, I would like to create a clean flat area that I can build raised beds for fruits and vegitables, also for a rose garden. What steps do I need to take? I am hoping that I don't have to bring in a heavy equipment to do this type of job. Can I simply cover the area with some landscaping fabrics and cover / flaten with dirts?
Landscaping help?
Don't use landscape fabric if you want fruit and vegetable beds. Landscape fabric is designed to be used under gravel in walkways or patios, you can't plant into it. If the raised beds will be taller than the rocks and stumps, you can leave them in place though cultivating the beds would be easier if they are removed first.
There are two methods of dealing with the grass, weeds etc. Fastest is Round-Up. Spray it on all green things, wait ten days and respray anything that is still green, wait ten days and respray any remaining green things.
Slower but chemical free is to cover the area with six to seven layers of newspaper, moisten newspaper and cover with two to three inches of compost. Wait about 6 weeks and greenery will be dead.
Do not rototil with either method as all the little root pieces will sprout and create problems.
While waiting, lay out the raised beds and build the frames out of wood, stone or whatever. Map out the rose garden. Once vegetation is dead, order enough topsoil or triple mix to fill the raised beds and level the rose garden. Build the beds and level the rose garden area. Mulch with straw on the raised beds and mulch on the rose garden. Let it settle for the winter. In the spring, order more topsoil or triple mix to relevel.
Should be able to do this with wheelbarrow, shovel and a few friends depending on the size of the area.
Reply:Rota-till it and rake it and then lay top soil over that and then plant new grass with lots of fertilizer! =Could be kinda pricey though!
Reply:I'd say you try to level it out, some. fill it in with rocks before adding your dirts and topsoil, it will help with drainage. and adding a heavy coat of mulch or sawdust will help to cut out sunlight from what had already been growing, plus hold moisture for your new plants
Reply:wack down enough weeds to get your bed edging in place. And just go from there.
Place the beds so they follow the ground's shape. Terraces?
Do as little work as possible. That is how to garden.
Reply:If you want to build a raised bed on it, then the solution is easy.
Lay down cardboard, covering the area you want to raise the bed on. Then raise the sides with whatever you are planning to use to raise the beds with. (landscape timbers, stone, concrete block, even old tires fill with earth I've heard of).
Then fill the area with soil, and cover with landscaping fabric or a hefty layer of straw or leaves (all of which serve the purpose of preventing new weed seeds from germination in the meantime) until you are ready to plant. I would wait until next spring - but which time the cardboard will have mostly become one with the soil, and newly planted things will be able to send roots down.
Friday, February 3, 2012
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