i'm really busy nowadays and approximately after 7pm PST seems to be the only time i have available to garden. is pruning this late bad for my roses? thanks.
Is it ok to prune my rose bushes after 7pm?
Just as long as it gets pruned I don't think it matters. Some people swear by sealing the pruned part with super glue so that disease doesn't get in there but I just ignore my roses and leave them alone. They do just fine! I think the less that you mess with stuff and the longer you let it fend for itself and do the whole nature thing the better off you are and the plants are themselves. There are obvious times to step in, like Black Mold, and funguses. There are sprays and certain techniques for that. You don't want to lose your prized plant but sometimes you have to step back and let them do their thing! Good Luck.
Reply:No, as long as you can see the plants, prune away. Those who exhibit roses can often be found out in the garden before dawn harvesting the flowers for the show that day.........so don't worry, roses aren't going to mind a little day day attention.
Reply:I don't think the time has anything to do with the nature of gardening, though it's more natural to do your pruning in the morning, if you can.
Reply:Yes, unless you live next door and do your pruning with a chainsaw, lol. Seriously, it's better to to it then than in the morning when working in the morning dew can spread disease. RScott
Friday, January 27, 2012
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